
2013 年 04 月 03 日 9733点热度 0人点赞 0条评论


1. Watch your step! You ______ be more careful.

A. may B. should

C. had to D. would

2. You ______ make noise in the classroom.

A. mayn't B. mustn't

C. have to not D. needn't

3. ------Do you want to go Miami by bus or by train?

------I ______ by train.

A. would rather go B. prefer go

C. would rather to go D. would rather have gone

4. He has caught a cold so he ______ stay in bed now.

A. needs B. shall

C. may D. must

5. They ______ visit us a lot but they don't now.

A. might B. can

C. may D. used to

6. I want to go to the dentist, but you ______ with me.

A. needn't to go

B. needn't go

C. don' t need go

D. need go

7. We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday. He ______ it.

A. mustn't attend B. couldn't have attended

C. would have not attended D. needn't have attended

8. Mr. Wang spent the weekend in the country as he ______ to the office on Sunday.

A. needn' t have gone B. mustn't go

C. mayn't to go D. didn't have to go

9. Why is the rubbish till here? It ought to ______ yesterday.

A. be thrown away B. throw away

C. have thrown away D. have been thrown away

10. John is so wet. He ______ into the lake.

A. must have fallen B. can have fallen

C. has to fall D. needed to fall

11. ------ Shall I tell Ann the test results?

------ No, you ______. She's already got the score report.

A. wouldn't B. mustn't

C. needn't D. shouldn't

12. You ______ do your corrections when you make any mistakes.

A. got to B. have

C. need D. should

13. ---- Doesn't Elaine want to see that movie?

----Yes, but she says ______ go tonight.

A. she' ll rather not B. she' d not rather

C. she' d rather not D. she won' t rather

14. I have never seen such a spelling, it ______ a mistake.

A. can be B. will be

C. need be D. must be

15. ______ I apologize to her? No. you needn't.

A. Can B. May

C. Must D. Can' t

16. Such a clever man ______ such a silly thing.  C

A. should do B. ought to do

C. should not have done D. could have done

17. I ______ a dictionary for you, but I forgot. C

A. would buy B. shall buy

C. should have bought D. should buy

18. ---- I haven't felt well for a week. C

----You ______ see a doctor.

A. have ought to B. should have to

C. had better D. would rather

19. There was plenty of time you ______ . D

A. mustn't have hurried B. couldn't have hurried

C. mustn't hurry D. needn't have hurried

20. He ______ me yesterday, because I wasn't there. A

A. can not have seen B. mustn't have seen

C. couldn't see D. shouldn't have seen

