
2013 年 04 月 03 日 9717点热度 0人点赞 0条评论


1. This is the best of the automobiles that ______ in working order.

A. is B. had

C. are D. have

2. Fifteen minutes ______ for a boy who is eager to see his girl friend.

A. seem a long time B. seemed a long time

C. seems a long time D. seems long time ego

3. It is not I but you who ______ the first to run to the goal in that competition.

A. is B. was

C. are D. is going to

4. With the elevation of people's standard of living, cosmetics ______ favorite topic, especially among women.

A. became B. becomes

C. become D. have become

5. Breathing normally in a heavily polluted city ______ equal to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

A. are B. is

C. be D. will be

6. What the man said under the oath ______ by several other witnesses.

A. was disputed B. were disputed

C. disputed D. be disputed

7. To balance the budget and to provide jobs ______ two goals of the elected official.

A. is going to be B. is

C. become D. are

8. Not only Joan bur her sister ______ the combination to the safe which contains the list of the family securities.

A. have known B. know

C. knows D. is knowing

9. ______ either he or his accountants going to claim for the loss?

A. Are B. Where

C. Is D. Does

10. Many an airplane ______ in the exhibition.

A. are shown B. has been shown

C. has shown D. show them

11. Not only Tom but also his wife ______ fond of watching television.

A. are B. were

C. be D. was

12. Joe's father, along with his two uncles, ______ in New York one more day.

A. demand that he stay B. demands that he stays

C. demands that he stay D. demand that he stays

13. ______ going to the exhibition.

A. All but he and I are B. All but he and I am

C. All but him and me are D. All but he and me am

14. According to the schedule, three-fourths of the dyke ______ by the end of this year.

A. had to be finished B. are to be finished

C. have to he finished D. has to be finished

15. Many species of animals which once lived on the earth ______ no longer in existence.

A. is B. are

C. was D. were

16. My family ______ very interested in playing bowls, which ______ very much in fashion now.

A. is...is B. are…are

C. is...are D. are...is

17. The number of students in the oral English program training ______ to 20.

A. limits B. is limited

C. limited D. are limited

